Sexy Miracle

An indispensable part of life for the sex , if done regularly creates many positive results .

Scientists have a regular sex life open the door to a long and happy life , he says. According to research sex , even more than many drugs for health 'must have' ... ' Here , miracles from regular sex :

Protects against cancer : prostate cancer in men who have sex five times a week rather than risk is reduced by a third . Scientists Does it cause cancer, along with the disposal of the substances is connected. With women, regular sex can reduce the risk of breast cancer said.

your period

It is a natural pain reliever : Studies have sex will help to eliminate migraine pain shows. During sexual intercourse, increased activity in the brain's pain regions experiencing cuts . They secrete extra estrogen in women during sexual intercourse, relieves menstrual pain .

Young Shows : 3 thousand 500 people, a study conducted over 10 years , those who have sex at least three times a week compared to less than 10 years of age who look younger showed .

Depression is good : Trust partners sexual intercourse without using a condom , women reduces the likelihood of depression . Scientists in sperm leads to depression of the hormone prostaglandin hormones that help to balance the states .

Prolong LIFE

Beneficial to heart : men who have sex twice a week or more in the risk of heart attack is halved . As the number of orgasms in life is prolonged.

A good exercise : Every sexual intercourse an average of 200 calories burned . In the case of the drive pulse from 70 up to 150 minutes . Muscles work , abdomen, legs , arms and hips tighter.

Helps the healing of cuts : In a study conducted in Sweden during sex hormone oxytocin is secreted in the test animals injected wounds heal twice as fast compared to the others was observed.

Increases resistance : to have sex once or twice a week , and strengthen the immune system fighting against viruses immunoglobulin antibody level increases 30 percent .